We got a phone call from Phoenix, Arizona on July 31st during Memphis Metal Mondays from Rob Dukes.
As the current frontman for Thrash/Crossover band Generation Kill, sharing the lead with Hip Hop legend Darryl DMC McDaniels in Fragile Mortals and being well known as the former vocalist of metal legends Exodus during a very integral part of that band’s career, Rob Dukes has shared the world’s stages with some of the greatest bands and artists of all time.
What you may not know about Rob, before all of that came along, he left a band that he was part of in New York and rode his motorcycle on a 5-month, 11,000 mile trip to California having absolutely no idea of what he was going to do and though he was considering working as a scuba diving instructor, Dukes ended up working as a guitar tech after getting to Hollywood. You really won’t believe what venues he has jumped into and whose buses he showed up on and who he has worked for as part of their road crew.
Catch the conversation with Dirty D and Rob Dukes right here.
NOTE: There is adult language in this feature. Listener discretion is advised.