A Conversation with Blind Mississippi Morris

Episode 378

If you have ever spent any time around the genre of the blues, you’ll know who Blind Mississippi Morris is and what he brings to the blues. In this episode, Ric sits down with Morris to talk about how he came to the blues, how he found music and what it was like growing up blind in a segregated Mississippi. For some in those days, what you were born into set the path you would likely follow for the rest of your days. There would be a lifetime of hard labor and a simple hand to mouth existence with little opportunity to improve your life or your situation. Morris found a way out through the gift of music and how that very first harmonica of his would be the ticket to a path that would take him around the world along while meeting and working with some of the best of the business. It’s no wonder when you listen to Blind Mississippi Morris, you can easily call him one of the best in the business as well.

NEXT WEEK: There are rabbits in the hats.

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